Teachers College, Columbia University

Welcome to TCWeb!

Use the links below to explore TCWeb on your own. Inside you will find everything from an application for admission to opportunities for those seeking employment after graduation. Use the TC button located at the bottom of each page to return to this menu at any time.

*** Special Event - Virginia and Leonard Marx Lecture ***
Information about Teachers College
An introduction, Admissions information, TC News Bureau
Academic Departments and Offerings
Educational Administration, Curriculum and Teaching, Communication, Computing and Technology in Education, Programs in Anthropology, Program in International and Comparative Education, Program in Nutrition and Education, TC Catalog, CU Directory of Classes
Request for information form, pre-application for admission form, academic program information, campus visit
Instructional & Research Support Services
Computing and Information Services, Teachers College Record, Teachers College Press
Milbank Memorial Library
The Teachers College library home page with links to EDUCAT and ClioPlus.
Research & Service Activities
Institute for Learning Technologies web server, Urban Education Web, The Center for Educational Outreach and Innovation, Klingenstein Center, Institute for Life Coping Skills, New Links for New Times, ArtsConnect, New York Youth Network, Peace Corps Fellows, TC News Student Paper, Fellows in Teaching Program, International Center for Cooperation and Conflict Resolution
TC Services
Student billing and payments, Career Services Center, CIS, Office of Grants and Sponsored Programs, Student Life Center, Office of Institutional Studies, Word Processing Center
Other Web Sites Affiliated with Teachers College
ColumbiaWeb, Teachers College and Columbia University Personal Home Pages, Barnard College Web Server